This guy is who I am spending Christmas with.
I got my 7th tatt on tuesday. It's big, black, and patriotic
Speaking of...
I also found out I am going to the Florida inaugural ball. I am going to try to hook up with Obama. I think he will totally go for it- I mean, can he be impeached before he is elected?? Naw. Can he resist this temptress?? Def naw!!
Going to happen.
Anybeej, this snow is really putting a damper on my popularity. In order to utilize my time I have been indulging in a double shot at love.
You are horrible for liking that show. It's TRASHHH.
I want to see your new tattoo. And meet your dog. He looks like he wants to come home with me.
i'm getting my first tattoo next month! i'm excited. tell monster happy hannukah, etc <3
i miss you, palomita!
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