The past 24+ hours have been out of control.
Last night I went to the Florida ball. I picked out the sluttiest dress I could knowing I would be rubbing elbows with Florida's elite. My mom and dad gave a simultaneuous look of dissaproval as I walked down the stairs of my DC house, She's-All-That-style.
The ball was pretty cool. My parents shelled out to get me a ticket. Everyone else there was over 40. I danced with an old man in a bowtie, met some senator, saw a really dope Richard Avedon exhibit, took shots with my dad. Pretty cool night.
This morning- alarm goes off at 3:30am- I had to be on the mall at 5 in the motherfrackin' morning. My dad dropped me off at the metro at around 4, still drunk, wearing my stupid inaugural volunteer hat, getting asked questions I didn't know the answers to... I finally get to my meeting spot at around 5. It's fucking freezing, and dark out. Already there are hundreds of thousands of people streaming into the mall to get as close to the capitol as poss.
I have never seen more people. I remember Clinton's inauguration and it was sparse as hell compared to this shit. So cool. I def got some frostbite yo.
The picture is a shit-resolution picture I took on my blackberry of the metro congestion.
I love Obami.